Welcome Guest Author Gina Danna

Her Eternal RogueIt’s my pleasure to welcome author Gina Danna to the blog today. She’s going to tell us a little about her latest release, Her Eternal Rogue, a scorching paranormal romance. Gina’s graciously offering an e-book to one lucky commenter. Be sure to leave your comment by Saturday, July 6. The winner will be announced by Monday, July 8.

Welcome, Gina. Please tell us about Her Eternal Rogue.

Alexander Barrington flees his tyrannical uncle for the open seas where he becomes a ruthless pirate who turns vampire.

Captured and sentence to hang, a fate he must avoid to keep his vampire self hidden, a reprieve comes if he rescues Lady Lavinia Sinclair from the French pirates and returns her to her fiancé in England.

In this Vampire Diaries meets Pirates of the Caribbean, Alexander falls for the woman who makes him feel human and alive, but can he really have her without exposing what he is – a thief, the undead? The damned?  Refusing to taint her innocence any further, he erases her memory of him and vanishes into the night but can he really exist without her?

Wow, that is going to be a terrific read. Now, tell us some things about your future releases, Gina.

Love my debut – Her Eternal Rogue (Regency w/ paranormal twist) but also excited about my release next April – Love & Vengeance (Ancient Rome – gladiators!) & next June – The Wicked Bargain (Regency – about a male courtesan).

Who would you cast to play your hero and heroine in an adaptation of your story?

Hard to answer – got the heroes figured out. For Her Eternal Rogue, Alexander was fashioned after Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvadore – Vampire Diaries) & my gladiator in Love & Vengeance was Channing Tatum <sweet!>

If you could live during any era in time, when would that be? Why?

Probably America, 1861 & probably in Deep South – my mother’s family was from the South, Mississippi at that time. Why? I’m very drawn to the American Civil War. It changed this nation – I teach college US History & the War is the focal point to my classes – how settling in the US pushed us towards this calamity and how the after-effects are still around even today in 2013.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Rome. I’m ½ Italian (Sicilian actually) My family migrated from Northern Italy down to Palermo, Sicily before my grandfather came to the US.

What’s your all-time favorite movie? Why?

Tough Question – I have a lot, but probably Gladiator. It is a fascinating time in history, the Roman Empire.

Do you follow sports? Favorite teams?

Fave is a tie: Horseracing (love the Triple Crown & the Breeder’s Cup – wanted to be a jockey) & Baseball – ST. LOUIS CARDINALS!!!!!!!!! (Hey, I live in Cardinal-Nation!)

Thanks for stopping by, Gina. I’m sure one lucky reader will be thrilled to win a copy of Her Eternal Rogue.

Her Eternal Rogue is available from Amazonhttp://bit.ly/HerEternalRogue

You can check out Gina’s web page at: http://ginadanna.com

Tara’s Next Big Thing

I’ve been invited to participate in a blog hop where we discuss our “Next Big Thing”. Well, not sure how “big” this is, but here goes 🙂

1) What is the working title of your next book?

The Slayer Next Door

2)  Where did the idea come from for the book?

I’m a big Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan…the movie as well as the show. This could be described as Buffy meets 27 Dresses.

3)  What genre does your book fall under?

Light Paranormal – there’s quite a bit of humor

4)  What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

For my heroine, I’m thinking Katherine Heigl. She’s great at these types of roles. For my hero, Ryan Gosling would be perfect.

5)  What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

She could handle a classroom full of kids…putting a vampire or two in his place shouldn’t be a problem.

6)  Who is publishing your book?

Ah, that’s a good question. It’s not finished, but I’m hoping it will find a good home.

7)  How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

I’m still working on it, but it’s flowing quickly. Really enjoying this story.

8)  Who or what inspired you to write the story?

Actually, there’s an old Goldie Hawn comedy that I adore, Foul Play. Her character in that movie is my inspiration for my heroine, blended with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

9)  What else about the book might pique the readers’ interests?

A school teacher heroine, an ex-Navy Seal hero, and a fur ball of a cat…mixed in with a vampire queen and a warped sense of humor…if you like romantic comedies with a hint of danger and adventure, I think you’ll enjoy this.

Next week, look for the next big thing from Kelsey Browning and Tessa Berkley. Kelsey Browning can be found at her awesome Brain Candy blog and Tessa Berkley’s hot cowboys can be found at: http://tessaberkleyauthor.blogspot.com/

Thanks for dropping by! I’ll let you know when it’s close to publication.