Welcome Author Katherine Bone

Duke By Day CoverI’m excited to welcome Katherine Bone to the blog today. She’s here to tell us about her new story and reveal her gorgeous new cover. She’s also generously offered a $10 Amazon gift certificate to one lucky commenter. We’ll announce the winner on Monday, February 3.

Welcome, Katherine! Please tell us a little about your story.

Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog today, Tara! It’s a pleasure to share this wonderful helm view.

Duke by Day, Rogue by Night is the first book in my Nelson’s Tea Series.

CONSTANCE DANBURY is desperate to escape a forced marriage to a man nearly twice her age. Her only hope is to board a merchantman bound for Spain and enlist her aunt’s help. Nothing prepares her for being captured by pirates.

Nobleman PERCIVAL AVERY is a member of Nelson’s Tea, an elite group assigned to protect England’s shores at any cost. Undercover, and determined to avenge his sister’s death, Percy disguises himself as a pirate to infiltrate the gang of cutthroats responsible. But when his vessel attacks a merchantman, Percy is forced to choose between vengeance and saving the life of his commander’s niece, Constance Danbury. His only choice is to mutiny, but mutiny obliterates his well-laid plans.

Fascinating! I love a good pirate story. And when that pirate is really a handsome noble…so much the better!

Tell us about your future releases? What are you most excited about?

Hand flail! I’m especially excited to announce that the first book in my Nelson’s Tea Series, Duke by Day, Rogue by Night is relaunching with EsKape EPress Publishing, ETA — February. Duke by Day has a brand new look — the romance cover of my dreams! I’m hoping readers will enjoy the adventurous appeal of the book, as much as I do, as well as the new compass heading — I mean editing.

Soon to follow, My Lord Rogue, the prequel novella for my Nelson’s Tea Series, which chronicles how Nelson’s Tea was organized, particularly Viscount Bourne, Lord Simon Danbury’s mission to form the clandestine group of first sons from every tier of life willing to serve Nelson and the crown.

Katherine, who would you cast to play your hero and heroine in an adaptation of your story?

Tara, this is a great question because I see all my books as movies. Prior to writing, I do casting calls. I’ve got characters in my head, but as a visual writer, I need inspiration to make them three-dimensional in my mind’s eye. Pinterest is a great way to harvest inspiration for all kinds of things. As a result, I’ve got boards for all of my books. Love. Love. Love Pinterest!

“And rum!” Jack supplies.

That too!

You’ll find that in My Lord Rogue, Simon Danbury was inspired by Toby Stephens and Baroness Chauncey by Abby Cornish. In Duke by Day, Rogue by Night, Percival Avery was inspired by Jared Padalecki and Constance Danbury by Hayden Panettiere. In The Rogue’s Prize, Henry Guffald was inspired by Simon Baker and Adele Seaton by Amanda Righetti. And in the final installment, The Rogue’s Surrender, Garrick Seaton is inspired by Tom Mison of Sleepy Hollow fame and Adelaide Kane from Reign as Mercedes Vasquez de la Claremont.


Jack knocks on my head. “Speaking of hollow. Are you sure there’s enough room in your head for all those people?”

Katherine BoneAnd now, a little about you…What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

You mean other than Jack? 😉

“That’s Captain Jack Sparrow, luv.”

Indeed it is.

Well, my favorite guilty pleasure is to sit on the beach, toes in the sand, tropical breezes ruffling my hair, a good romance novel in hand, surf teasing the shore, and ships passing on the horizon. Of course, a constant flow of strawberry daiquiris wouldn’t hurt.

Rolls eyes… “You mean rum. Rum. Say it. RRRRRum. Rum. Rummy. Rummy.”

Rum comes in many forms, especially Strawberry Daiquiris. (Wink!)

What’s one thing about you that would surprise readers?

I think people are always surprised to find out I’m a Mimi (channeling la François). I’ve got four grown children and three grandsons. And my heart does a flip flop anytime someone I meet swears I don’t look old enough. I assure you I am. LOL!!!

Jack points his finger my way. “It’s the rum, luv. Preservative, as it were.”

Which would you rather possess: flying monkeys or Toto?

Flying monkeys? Shiver me timbers!

“They wouldn’t happen to be undead, would they?” Jack asks, cringing.

If you could wake up stranded on a desert island with one celebrity hunk, who would it be?

Oh, Tara! You made this one too easy. Buahahaha!!! Of course, there’s no question I’d be stranded with Captain Jack Sparrow. He’d have a gun with one shot, which isn’t meant for me, not to mention his effects.

“Which effects, dearie?” Flash of golden tooth. A devilish wink. Jack postures himself.

Why a compass and — well you already know, Jack. We’d have a rum stash hidden and left behind by rum runners. Free of the cares of the day, we’d spend our days sunning, bathing along the coast, and our nights imbibing while dancing by campfire light. We might even scare up some sea beasties for dinner too.

Jack crinkles his nose. “Sea beasties?”

Oh, Tara! What can I say? It’s a pirate’s life for me!

“And me! I’ve got a jar of dirt!”

 It’s been a pleasure sailing with you today, Tara! Wishing you calm seas & tons of bootay!

Before I sail off into that distant horizon, I’m ponderin’ more celebrity hunks. Which one would you like to be marooned with? I’ve got a $10 Amazon Gift Card for one lucky commenter. Woot!!!

Want to learn more about Katherine, including her very inspirational Pinterest boards? 

21 thoughts on “Welcome Author Katherine Bone

  1. Brooke

    Great post 🙂 I enjoyed getting to know a bit more about Katherine! If I were marooned with a celebrity, I would choose Charlie Hunnam. He is Gorgeous!!! He’d probably think I was a mute because I know I would be beyond starstruck and probably stand there drooling like a fool. 😉

    brookeb811 at gmail dot com

    1. Brooke, I adore Charlie Hunnam. When I was revising my historical, Pistols, Parasols & Passionate Little Lies, I had him in mind for the hero. He’s not just good looking…he’s smart! What a combo 🙂 Having said that, I don’t want to fight over him, so I’ll take Russell Crowe and you can keep Charlie 😉

    2. Ahoy Brooke! Charlie Hunnam is phenomenal! Loved him in Pacific Rim! And I hear they’re making another one. Woot!!! I’m a sucker for Godzilla, Transformers and Power Rangers because I spent three years growing up in Japan. Good times!!!

    1. Hey Kathleen! Thank you so much for commenting! I thought I’d responded to your comments and I apologize that they didn’t upload here for you.

      I adore your enthusiasm! It’s made my day! Woot!!!

  2. Interesting post. I’m a fan of Captain Jack Sparrow myself. Some of the things he says, I wish I could say myself to a person or two. 🙂 Love, love your cover.
    Katherine (Katherineg425@yahoo.com)

    1. Hey Katherine!! Fancy meeting another Katherine, spelled exactly the same here. Woot! And so great to meet another Cap’n Jack Sparrow fan. As for saying things Jack says, do the Nike swoosh and ‘just do it’! Huzzah!!! (That’s what I do.) 😉

  3. Pingback: Port: Giveaway at Tara Kingston’s Blog Today! | Rogues, Rebels & Rakes

  4. Jean Zeiler

    The new cover is awesome Katherine! Your books are amazing…so filled with wonderful adventure and romance. I look forward to reading many, many more of them!

  5. Lori H

    The cover is absolutely dreamy and it sounds like a great read too.
    I haven’t read your books yet but I look forward to reading them.
    Cute interview 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Lori! So glad you think my cover is dreamy. I do too!!! Your very sweet for commenting on my interview and mentioning reading my books. I hope you get a chance to fall in love with Percy like I did. 😉

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